The Journal: Lucas County 9-1-1
It’s a phone number we hope we never have to use, but when we need to, it’s good to know that there are highly trai…
Lucas County is Urging Job Applicants to Answer 9-1-1 Calls
Imagine being required to work an additional four hours to help cover calls on top of your eight-hour shift. The 911…
9-1-1 Telecommunicator Honored for Efforts During Call
From a young age, most of us were taught to dial 9-1-1 in case of emergencies. The program has been used nationally since…
How 9-1-1 Dispatchers Find Your Location in an Emergency
What happens if you call 9-1-1 in an emergency and aren’t able to give an exact address?
Toledo Teen Shows Appreciation to 9-1-1 Operator Who Took Her Call
Having to call 9-1-1 is never an easy moment for anyone. But having someone on the other end who helps in that…
When You Should Call 9-1-1 Over the Holiday Weekend
To prepare for the July 4 holiday weekend, there was a light-hearted post from first responders making the rounds…
Dispatchers Flooded With 300 Calls During Point Place Tornado
We are now getting a better idea of the number of people who were trying to direct emergency responders to…
9-1-1 Dispatchers Face Rising Violence in Toledo
Eight people have been shot in Toledo in the last week, putting stress on not only the first responders but also…
The Winter Storm is Keeping 9-1-1 Dispatchers Busy
The winter storm is keeping dispatchers at the Lucas County 911 Regional Council of Government busy. The last 48 hours…
911 Regional Council Selects Executive Director
The Lucas County 911 Regional Council of Governments on Friday morning appointed an executive director.